Report a suspected misconduct to the Compliance Hotline

Employees and external stakeholders have the possibility of reporting suspected misconduct securely and confidentially through the Compliance Hotline, which is the reporting function in Novo Nordisk.


The Compliance Hotline is owned and monitored by the Audit Committee, which is part of the Novo Nordisk Board of Directors.

If you are an employee of Novo Nordisk, you are encouraged to raise the concern via local management, local legal or HR personnel. If this is not an option, you may use the options mentioned below. 

When to report a concern

Matters concerning Business Ethics, Accounting issues and Fraud, Novo Nordisk Way, Potential Personal Data Breaches, Quality or other matters that involve legal risks and/or other serious risks to Novo Nordisk should be reported to the Compliance Hotline. You can find examples of which concerns to report below.

Please note that the Compliance Hotline should not be used for reporting customer complaints, side effects or falsified products. Kindly use the links in the left menu for reporting such concerns.

Examples of potential misconducts that should be reported

  • Misconduct or violation of business ethics policies and standards by Novo Nordisk or third parties representing Novo Nordisk.

Examples include improper sales and marketing activities, giving or receiving improper benefits, inappropriate product sampling, improper relationships with customers or third parties and inappropriate patient interactions.

  • Serious violation of the Novo Nordisk Way related to management practices, business conduct or behaviour.

Examples include serious unfair treatment of an employee, broader management misbehaviour or retaliation concerns.

  • Concerns regarding questionable accounting, internal controls, auditing and financial reporting, or deliberate acts to unjustly obtain unauthorised benefits, such as money, property or services.

Examples include fraudulent financial statements, deficient internal controls, document falsification, and misuse of NN assets or theft.

  • Quality concerns impacting products or GxP related processes, which are not being addressed in the regular Quality Management System.
  • A potential personal data breach. Any intentional or accidental access to, disclosure of, destruction, or change of personal data without authorization.
  • Significant violations related to antitrust or fair trading, espionage or sabotage and information security violations.

How to report your concern

It is possible to report a concern to the Compliance Hotline by telephone or online.

The Compliance Hotline is operated by a third party and reporting party can choose to be anonymous. We do however encourage all reporters to identify themselves, so we can better investigate the report and maintain contact with the reporter during an investigation.

For further guidance and relevant phone numbers, please go to the Compliance hotline reporting portal

Compliance Hotline reporting portal

It is possible to select among multiple languages in the top right corner when opening the link. When reporting a case by phone, please expect moderate waiting time before an agent is available to answer your call.

Compliance Hotline reporting portal

Compliance Hotline reporting portal – Iran (Please use this link if you are located in Iran)

Follow-up on your concern

When you report a case via phone or online, you will receive a unique case number and be asked to create a related password.

With this information, you can check the status of your case, see if there are any questions to your report and provide additional information. 

Anonymity and Anti-Retaliation

We do not tolerate discrimination or retaliation against persons who in good faith make a report or participate in an investigation. If you believe that you have been retaliated against for reporting or participating in an investigation, you should immediately contact the Compliance Hotline. All such reports will be investigated confidentially.

Data privacy

The Compliance Hotline is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is therefore subject to Danish and European Union restrictions related to making such reports.